Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So call me crazy but i liked assisted in a tummy tuck. it was very intriguing. At first i couldn't believe the doctor was cutting her open and then by the end it was totally awesome. It kind reminded me of when us girls went to a bull fight in Mexico and we cried at the first bull dying and by the end we were cheering them on. Interesting how that works. Oh if you look at it really close you can see all the fat cells, hair and a mole, pretty cool. I asked the doctor if he thought i was morbid if i wanted a picture with the tummy and he said he would be honored.


Jordan and Luke Stephenson said...

that is the absolute most DISGUSTING thing i have seen.ahh.

Aqualung said...

I'm so glad you're following your new year's resolutions and blogging. I bet the first words out of your mouth was Yech!!! when you saw that fat.